punching bag

How many calories does boxing burn?

There are a number of variables to take into account when calculating how many calories you burn while boxing. Check out the factors and use our calculator.

pink punching bags for women

5 Best Pink Punching Bags for Women

Need to lose weight, boost your fitness, or release stress? Check out the best pink punching bags to add cardio to your training with heart-pumping boxing workouts.

stop sinking heavy bag

How to Get Rid of Sinking Heavy Bag Filling?

A sinking punching bag is annoying – the bottom is hard and the top is empty. Within this guide, I show you an effective filling method that stops sinking and gives a great punching experience.

boxing home gym

8 Cool Home Boxing Gym Ideas

Check out these home boxing gym ideas that are equipped with the most beneficial equipment to have an effective boring training at home.

fill a punching bag

How to Fill Heavy Punching Bag

Learn different ways to fill your heavy punching bag at home for free. These fillings help you get a perfect shape and weight bag.

jab mistakes

5 Common Jab Mistakes

Learn what are the most common jab mistakes that you should get rid of it to make this punch the most powerful weapon in your fights.