heavy bag punching power

Does a punching bag make you hit harder?

The heavy bag is your best friend if you’re a serious martial artist and you want to unleash a powerful punch. There’s a general consensus that punching bags are an essential piece of every MMA or martial arts training regimen. A good one will help you develop power and endurance in your punches.

best 100 lb heavy bag

Best 100 lb Heavy Bag Reviews (2022)

You can learn more about the top 100 lb heavy bags by checking out our reviews. Based on customer reviews, sales rank, and price, these are the best choices for you.

heavy bag HIIT workout

How to Build Perfect Body with Heavy Bag HIIT Workout

You can start with these HIIT routines if you are looking for total-body workouts with a heavy bag. These will get your heart rate pumping and work your whole body, including your core, which are especially effective if you are trying to drop a few pounds.

Best Ways to Keep Your Heavy Bag Clean and in Good Condition

A heavy bag is a tool that does not constantly need your attention, but it does require some maintenance to ensure it lasts a long time and continues to provide you with a safe and powerful workout. With that in mind, use this guide to help you properly maintain your heavy bag and keep it working for you for a long time.

best dummy punching bags

7 Best Punching Dummy Bags Reviews

This article is all about the best grappling and punching dummies. We are reviewing, comparing, and explaining how one can select a good BOB bag.