Boxing Equipment Buying Guides

As a boxer, you want to find the perfect equipment for every day training. Whether it’s various punching bags, boxing gloves, a head guard, or a pair of bag gloves, finding the right equipment is essential. We’ve got the best boxing equipment for you, so you can focus on what’s really important: getting the most out of each training session, and enjoying your training.

buying heavy bag

Best Heavy Bags

Comparison and review of the best heavy bags for home. Plus, the ultimate buyer’s guide to buying a punching bag for boxing training.

free standing punching bags

Best Free Standing Bags

See the best free standing punching bags that don’t fall over and gives excellent heavy bag workout experience. We don’t list any crap bags!

speed bags

Best Speed Bags

Do you want to buy a speed punching bag for at-home training? Check out the best speed bag reviews and everything you need to know before buying one.


Best Double End Bags

Want to buy a double end bag? Check out our detailed buyer’s guide and find the reviews of best punching bags that are worth purchasing.

heavy bag stands

Best Heavy Bag Stands

Searching for a solid heavy bag stand? List of the best punching bag stands with honest reviews, comparison and buying guide.

best speed bag platform

Best Speed Bag Platforms

Ever wanted to know about the best speed bag platforms for training? Our research team has conducted extensive tests and found the best speed bag platforms to help you get the most out of your training. Here is a compilation of our top speed bags, their pros and cons and which we recommend most.

best reflex bag

Best Reflex Bags

A reflex bag is a bag used by boxers to improve their punching and hand eye coordination. They are also good for improving your agility and reflexes.

Punching Dummy Bags

This article is all about the best grappling and punching dummies. We are reviewing, comparing, and explaining how one can select a good BOB bag.

Century Wavemaster punching bags

Century Wavemaster Bags

Due to the numerous options available, choosing a Century Wavemaster punching bag can be challenging. Freestanding punching bags built by Century are well known. What is the best option for you? Compare and read reviews for more details.

wrecking ball punching bags

Wrecking Ball Bags

We bring you the best wrecking ball punching bags that are both durable and well-designed. These heavy bags are just what you need to improve your boxing technique.

More shopping tips & reviews

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