Boxing Workouts for Women to Build Power & Perfect Body

boxing workout for women

Do you want to burn fat and boost your endurance, but you are fed up with the typical boring cardio workouts? Want to train your lower and upper body more enjoyably and learn some new skills? Need stress relief? Then, boxing workouts for women is a type of training you should give a shot.

Did you know that boxing is a high-intensity workout that burns 400-600 calories per hour, depending on the intensity and weight? Moreover, boxing is a beneficial physical activity that it has similar effects to strength training, meaning it builds muscle strength and a defined body without bulking up. Hence, it’s great to substitute for weight training. Because of its complexity, it also boosts the body’s metabolic rate, which leads to weight loss.

Women boxing is a aerobic exercise that has proven to be among the most effective activities to get rid of body fat, build functional strength, and boost endurance. Plus, it is a versatile activity that requires practice, so you will never get bored with it since there is always something new you need to learn.

Also, besides the mentioned workout benefits of boxing for women, it is particularly beneficial since you can also improve your self-defense boxing skills.

In a nutshell, women’s fitness boxing is a fantastic cardio workout and muscle-sculpting exercise.

Check out the best punching bags!

Have punching bag workouts whenever your want! See the freestanding bags that are perfect for women.

Tips for beginner women

If you have not done female boxing training before, you should learn boxing basics, and it is not bad if you are familiar with a few types of boxing exercises.

  • Practice the correct boxing stance (fighting stance) and footwork. These boxing moves are important parts of punching workouts.
  • Learn how to throw the fundamental blows correctly. These are the jab, cross, hooks, and uppercuts. You can find the tutorials for the basic boxing punches here. Start with the straight punches (jab and cross) since it’s easy to learn the correct form, then continue with hook punches.
  • Practice the head movement and other defensive techniques. Imagine fighting with a real opponent who wants to hit you and adding these moves to your training.
  • It is also not bad if you are familiar with jump roping, which is usually included in a cardio boxing workout to lose weight.
  • Fitness boxing routines require endurance and strength, so do bodyweight exercises like push ups (for shoulders, arms, chest) and cardio exercises such as running, burpees or rowing. To build a strong core, do exercises like mountain climbers.

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If you are a total beginner, who has never done the mentioned activities, you may think it will need a lot of effort to learn these basics, but do not worry, they are not as complicated as they seem. You may go to a boxing gym to learn the basics, but you can find tons of tutorials online as well.

Just practice! From my experience, the better I became, the more I wanted to know about boxing.

Learn more: How to practice boxing

What boxing equipment do you need?

woman hitting a punchign bag

Well, that depends on the workout. But, you can have an excellent home boxing workout to lose weight without any equipment at all. Yes, you do not need boxing gloves, hand wraps, or a punching bag if you do shadow boxing drills or any boxercise type training, you can still burn fat and enjoys the physical benefits.

On the other hand, if you have a heavy bag and a pair of boxing gloves, you can have a woman workout that may you have never experienced before. You will maximize the fat burning and physical development effects since the boxing bag adds extra resistance to each of your blows.

And if you do not like the manly look of the bag, you can get a pink punching bag that may suit you better. Or, if you have no place to hang a bag, you can get a freestanding punching bag that you can quickly move around in case you would like to work out.

Now let’s see a few female boxing workouts for weight loss at various levels with and without equipment.

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15-minute Women’s Boxing Workout for Quick Burn (No Punching Bag)

This is a rather quick boxing circuit for full-body training. This training for women includes 4 × 3-minute rounds with 1-minute rest between. Hence, it is intensive, but that is why it is so powerful.

You will have to do jump rope, shadowboxing, alt. straight knees, dumbbell cherry pickers, shadow boxing, and boxing flurries. Each exercise must be done one after another without rest. This boxing style workout for girls is very intense with cardio focused on boxing. A great routine to build lean muscle.

Heavy Bag Boxing Workout for Women (+ Advice from Boxing Coach)

This is an excellent workout for women full of tips on how to use the heavy punching bag to get the best results. It is made by not a fitness trainer, but a real boxing coach. So, a perfect source to learn the basic moves.

From this video, you will learn not only how to hit the boxing bag the right way but also other exercises that fighters do, such as box jumps or ones with a medicine ball to improve their physique.

Tabata Style Training

boxing techniques for weight loss
Circuit training

If you want to practice your punches, this is the plan you should try. You need to throw the strokes (jabs, hooks, uppercuts) for 20 seconds, followed by jump rope training, speed bag, jumping jacks, or fast feet without rest. You can make the circle 2-5 times, depending on your level of fitness.

At Home Kickboxing Workout Routine

at home kickboxing workout routine

This kickboxing routine is very similar to the previous one but may be a bit more difficult since roundhouse kicks and active rest should be done for 45 seconds.

Heavy Bag Workout for Women at Intermediate Level

And finally, another punching bag workout for women with a lot of useful tips. You will learn not just how to place the various punches on the bag, but also how to kick it and other powerful exercises.

Learn more: How to create your boxing workout plan


Does boxing burn arm fat?

The hard work put into boxing training is beneficial to your cardio system regardless of how you do it. In addition to melting some fat on your arms and toning them up, it will also make the rest of your body fit and toned.

For how long should I punch a punching bag?

A boxing bag workout for any length of time is fine. For beginners, a punching bag workout usually involves doing bag strikes and general strength training, like push-ups or sit-ups. Hit a punching bag for 10-30 minutes every day to reap these benefits.

How does boxing affect the female body?

After just a few sessions, you will see the benefits of boxing for women. Your upper body will be strengthened by this sport, and belly fat will be burned. In the long run, you’ll see that a boxing workout will be good for your heart and will reduce your blood pressure. The fact that boxing combines strength training with intensity training makes it a wonderful workout for hormonal balance. There is no workout that is as comprehensive and holistic as boxing. Every muscle group is worked, and it is both physical and mental.

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To sum up: I think after checking out the fitness boxing workouts for women above, you want to start this type of conditioning. Boxing as an exercise for women for weight loss works perfectly, but it has many other benefits, such as improved coordination and stamina.

However, before you start fitness heavy bag workouts, let me warn you. Always warm-up before and wrap your hands, and use gloves. It is a common mistake of beginners. Without protecting your hands, you can quickly hurt your wrist, knuckles, and joints. Here is a quick guide on how to wrap your hands.

So go ahead and start boxing to build the shape you will be proud of. Learn the basic boxing moves and increase the intensity of your training gradually to build a body like female boxers.

Calculate: How many calories punching bag burns

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