Are you familiar with basic punches? Combining the single punches is the next step. To master boxing, you must master boxing combinations. Despite the large number of combos offered here, it is by no means possible to cover all possible techniques in this guide.
Before looking at boxing combos, we should consider a few things

In boxing, what is a combo?
A combination of punches in boxing consists of stringing blows together smoothly and efficiently. Those wanting to master advanced combinations should hone their basic punches first. Start with jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts, and then move on to slips and rolls.
- Combinations should be used whenever possible. Combinations make your opponent confused, increasing your chances of victory.
- Punches to the body can set up headshots, and body shots can set up head blows.
- To perform the best punching sequences, keep in mind that the movements should be natural and synchronized. Keep a good balance while making optimal use of the hinge principle.
- Finishing a combination with a lead arm punch is ideal. This stops your opponent from following up on your attacks and makes you more alert to them.
- Combine everything. Strike with a mix of straight punches and hooks. Your opponent will be confused if you use angles. When you punch straight, your opponent narrows his guard, allowing you to hook him. Hooks force an opponent to widen his guard for straight punches. A boxer’s guard is lowered as a result of an uppercut.
In summary:
- Set up hooks with straight punches.
- Establish straight punches by using hooks.
- You can set up a headshot with uppercuts.
Whenever a number is combined, it produces a decisive result. The punch you don’t see coming hurts the most.
Two-punch combinations – Basic boxing combos
These are beginner boxing combos that are pretty easy to learn, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t effective in a real fight. They are also beneficial heavy bag combos to increase the power of the punches and learn how to use the punching the right way.
Jab – Cross (1-2)
Essentially, a jab-cross is a surprise effect of the jab and the power of the cross. It is intended to knock the opponent out. Jab crosses are bodyweight boxing moves that demand good breathing techniques and allow progression as you change speed and power.
We can throw both the jab and the cross to the body to have different combinations.
- 1-2 (jab to the head, cross to the head)
- 1-2b (jab to the head, cross on the body)
- 1b-2 (jab to the body, cross to the head)
- 1b-2b (both the jab and the cross land on the body)
Jab – lead hook (1-3)
Boxers frequently use this punch combination to deliver powerful and deadly blows. Especially for fighters who lack skill in snapping punches, it’s challenging to have two blows from the left hand.
Cross – lead hook (2-3)
If you cross without a hook, your opponent will be able to attack you square on. You’re in a linear position when you finish on the hook, making yourself a difficult target.
You can also do the cross-lead hook to the body (2-3b). A body shot may weaken the opponent.
Right uppercut – left hook (6-3)
Boxers use uppercuts to lift opponents’ heads or to break through opposing blockers’ guards. This punch must not be dropped, especially when dealing with a skilled opponent. With a powerful left hook, we can finish the attack nicely.
Doubling up punches (1-1, 3-3, etc.)
In boxing, it’s common to double up on punches. There are two main reasons why it is effective. It opens up the opponent’s defenses when the first shot lands, giving the follow-up shot a better chance of landing. Logic dictates that if the first one lands, then the second one should too. Put more power into the second shot when doubling up on the same punch. The double jab is the one to start with.
Three-punch combos – Intermediate
These combos require the proper technique for each punch, endurance, and concentration as well.
Jab – Jab – Cross (1-1-2)
Trick your opponent with this one. In this case, the 1-1-2 is effective because your opponent may expect you to hand out a 1-2. Your opponent may be surprised. If so, the second jab will likely open the door to your big right hand once again. And, a power punch can finish the boxing match.
You can also try the jab-jab body-cross (1-1b-2) combo.
Jab – Cross – Left hook (1-2-3)
As you throw your right hand, you shift your weight, which naturally sets up your left hook. You can put some severe damage on your opponent with the left hook after your right cross.
Another effective variation is the jab-cross body-lead hook combo (1-2b-3)
Jab – Cross – Jab (1-2-1)
In this case, you start with the basic combo of 1-2 but finish with a final jab which may surprise the opponent.
Jab – Cross – (Slip) Cross (1-2-2)
Strike, evade, and counter – a common boxing combo. A variety of timings and slipping techniques are used. In the following example, after striking, the attacker escapes with a backward slip and then follows with a counter cross.
Jab – Right uppercut – Left hook (1-6-3)
Combining the right uppercut followed by the left hook is excellent for fighting close to your opponent. This powerful close-range combo comes in handy when you’re in close and can’t extend your arms for straight punches.
Four-punch combos – Advanced boxing combos
Jab – Cross – Left Hook – Cross (1-2-3-2)
Your jab sets up your cross, then your left hook follows naturally, and you end strongly with another cross. There should be a lot of power going into the last two punches, whereas the first two punches should be fast.
Jab – Right uppercut – Left hook- Cross (1-6-3-2)
It can get a bit boring always starting with the 1-2. Also, the cross might be slipped by your opponent. His guard might just be up because he anticipates the cross. Taking a right uppercut will inflict massive damage and lift his head so you can finish with a left hook — cross.
Jab-Cross-Left uppercut-Cross (1-2-5-2)
Since the uppercut is coming from a downward angle, it will surprise your opponent. You can punch the other guy’s head with the cross finish if he hides behind his short guard or if he charges at you with his head down.
Cross – Left hook – Cross – Left hook body (2-3-2-3b)
The cross and left hooks work nicely together to attack the opponent’s head and body.
Left Uppercut – Cross – Left Hook – Cross (5-2-3-2)
To break your opponents’ guard, this is a good combo. Begin by using a lead uppercut and rock the opponent’s head back, exposing any gaps in their guard. Next, use a cross to push your opponent backward, followed by a hook to knock him down.
Jab, Cross, Jab, Cross (1-2-1-2)
Delivering four straight hard punches in rapid succession is the idea behind this combination. No matter how strong your opponent’s guard is, it will be tough for him to stand up to the four punches.
How to remember boxing combinations numbers?
Of course, firstly, you should know the numbers of the basic punches inside out. These are jab (1), cross (2), left hook (3), right hook/rear hook (4), left uppercut (5), right uppercut (6). Then, start with basic punch combinations such as 1-2. When I started, I wrote the combos on a big piece of paper and fixed it on the wall. And, I practiced a lot. These days I use an application that calls out punches.
How to improve your boxing combinations?
The first is that you shouldn’t throw the same combinations all the time. Yes, it’s great to master a combo, but more techniques are required to be a good boxer. The other thing is to pay attention to your footwork, boxing stance, and head movement. During your boxing training, you should practice both your offensive and defensive skills.
What are the best knockout combinations?
Knocking someone out doesn’t require the strongest punch. A precise shot on the right spot is all it takes. A problem occurs when your opponent knows that he or she will probably protect themselves during a fight. In boxing, it is tough to land a clean punch. It’s crucial to catch him off-guard when he is not defending himself. Combinations are an excellent way to do that.
What is the best boxing combo?
In boxing, there is no one perfect combination. Combinations can all be countered at least partially, so the key is to select which combinations are most effective for each type of opponent and under the given circumstances.
To sum up
In this blog post, I have outlined some advanced and basic boxing combinations. These drills are suitable for beginners and seasoned trainees and help you build your boxing skill set. We hope the main points of this article were beneficial and shall assist you better prepare for the boxing competition or your boxing workout.
- Harries, Nicholas. Boxing and the Use of Combinations. Diss. University of Wales Institute Cardiff, 2012.
- Ashker, Said El. “Technical and tactical aspects that differentiate winning and losing performances in boxing.” International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 11.2 (2011): 356-364.
- James, Matthew. Analysis of boxing tactics: A comparison of single and combination punching between three weight divisions. Diss. Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2014.